


Looking Forward to Paranormal Activity

paranormalactivity poster 1As you may know, one of the big buzz films of the last few weeks was Paranormal Activity, which was released in limited release and was expanded each week via a Demand It campaign.

Since Toronto is now currently 5th in the list of the next ten markets to get expansions, it would seem I would finally get a chance to see the film.

It has also been announced on the film’s Twitter page that Friday’s expansion will see the film being offered at all hours instead of only midnight screenings.  Personally that’s a relief, since I don’t know if I would have been able to attend a midnight screening.

The film only had a budget of $11,000 and it has already made over $700,000 in its limited release, making it one of the sleeper hits of the fall.

And I look forward to seeing it.

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